You do you.

So… Lockdown is easing, guidelines are relaxing, life is changing. Again.

And with that comes a whole new range of emotions and quandaries for each of us. Should we be visiting loved ones? Should we be supporting local eateries? Should we be staying home? Should I rejoin my gym? Should I stick with online life? Should I send my child to that club? Should I make more of an effort with friends?

The answer is simple… You do you. Whatever makes you feel comfortable, safe & happy is what is right. As long as you’re not negatively impacting anyone (including yourself), then there is no right or wrong answer.

There are a lot of people who would like to tell you their opinion. And that’s cool. If Linda from Facebook has decided to not wear a mask, book a trip to Barbados & host a party in her downstairs toilet… Don’t worry about it. Don’t let other people’s (questionable) decisions make you feel guilty or silly for not jumping at the chance to socialise, eat out and embrace the world again.

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If you want to continue staying in & keeping yourself safe then that’s FINE, just make sure you’re taking care of yourself while you’re there. Keep talking to people & filling your spare time with nourishing things that bring you joy.

If you want to see your parents every day (from a distance), and no one else, then get over there and share some much needed family time.

If you want to work every waking hour because it’s keeping your brain occupied & happy then keep on, dude. Just please, please take a walk once in a while & give your mind some time off.

If you’re not ready to make plans that fill your weekend just yet then feel free to say ‘no thanks, I’m staying in’.


If you’re airing on the side of caution still and you’re not really sure what to expect OR you think you’re alone in your totally overwhelming social anxiety fears then LET ME CLEAR SOMETHING UP… We’re all weirdos with you. Here is a little insight into this newly unlocked world from the perspective of an awkward person:

  • Small talk is worse than before. People have been trapped inside for a long time & they’ve either forgotten how to conversate like a normal person or they’re so elated to have some human contact that they overstay their welcome (depending on which day you catch me on, I can be a mix of both).

  • No one is comfortable with wearing a mask. But you just get on with it & eventually it won’t feel so claustrophobic & overwhelming. Someday you’ll get used to the feel of your hot breath steaming up into your eyes & making them burn. Probably.

  • It’s okay to actively avoid conversations with people. If you’re in Tesco for the first time since February, wearing a mask that nearly covers your entire face, bubbling with anxiety about trying to find the 5 items on your list, and you see someone you went to school with who you kinda sorta chat with on social media from time to time… No one is judging you for keeping your head down and breezing past them like you didn’t see them there. It’s okay & totally acceptable. We all get it.

  • There might be some people who get cross. Don’t take it personally. We’re all fighting our own battles here. Just respond with kindness and move on.

  • Leering looks from pervy strangers feel just as unpleasant as normal. Unfortunately the pandemic didn’t wipe out cat-calling just yet.

  • There is something really magic about seeing people shopping at the market & you’ll be nicely surprised by the sense of community you feel in certain spots.

  • Everyone around you is feeling awkward too - even those that seem un-phased. So feel free to be open about it. Turning to someone next to you in the queue and saying ‘all feels a bit weird doesn’t it’ might just be what you need to unload some worry. Particularly when they reply telling you it’s their first time out too & they’re feeling a bit nervous.

  • Don’t underestimate what a big deal it is to be out in the big wide world again. There is no need to feel silly for worrying about a visit to the shop/hairdresser/studio. It might take some bravery to get you there & so you should be proud of yourself for that.

  • If it’s all too much, just go home. Turn yourself around & get back to the sanctuary of your house. Call a friend, watch something heart warming & cuddle your dog. You can try again another day.

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Remember that we’re all operating within a slightly altered state of who we were previously. Depending on who you are and what you do,you may have spent a big chunk of time without the things or people that make you feel like ‘you’. So take a deep breath, be patient with yourself and just know that you can build yourself back up again. It might take a little while but you’ll get there.

Don’t rush it. You do you.

As always, sending you so much love & happiness,
Sara & Alice xx


