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Breathwork Workshop

Breathwork Workshop with Dawn Homer

Sunday 15th October, 9:45 to 11:15

Book You Ticket Here

Breathwork is a beautiful and transformative self-healing practice that can help bring you out of your overthinking mind and into your body. It helps to align you more deeply with your intuitive heart, releases you from unwanted unconscious patterning and opens the channel for clarity and positive transformation.   

We will be doing conscious connected breathwork, breathing in and out through the mouth without any pauses.  Powerful, gentle, supportive, heart-centered, facilitating big transformations.

Everybody’s experience with breathwork is different, some experiences will be physical, some emotional, some spiritual and some (very often) transformational. The beautiful thing is you are in control the whole time and get exactly what you need each time.


  • Helps to increase the parasympathetic tone - moving you from ‘fight or flight’ into ‘rest and digest’.

  • An active breathing practice can help reduce stress, anxiety, grief, depression and anger.

  • Increasing energy levels boosting your body’s immune system.

  • Increasing your self-awareness, presence, happiness and access to joy.

  • Increasing your capacity for self-love, bringing you into your body and out of your head.

  • Helps to improve sleep, releases fear and trauma stuck in the body,

  • Helps to reduce physical aches and pain

  • It can improve digestion and release toxins from the body.

  • Helps you to explore altered states of consciousness, consciously

We’ll be actively breathing for about 25 - 30 minutes and trust me, it will feel like 5 minutes once it’s over. Then we move back to normal breath and integration. This is where all the magic happens. Your body is open and expanded, you are connected to your highest self and an open channel for information, messages or just feelings of joy and bliss. 

Book Your Place Here

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Simply Menopausal Information Evening with Aly Dilks

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