How To Make The Most Out Of The “Online Fitness” Experience


How to make the most out of the “Online Fitness” experience

Whether you’ve tried an online class, are a seasoned pro with streaming or you’ve sat and watched an Instagram live while snacking on banana bread… Chances are you’ve gone through the following discussions in your head at least once:

  • ‘Eugh, this room is so small! I keep kicking the sofa.’

  • ‘Damn, I can’t remember if I hit send on that email… I’ll just check.’

  • ‘Why is the cat always under my feet during a HIIT class?!’

  • ‘I’m doing yoga, no I cannot come and help you with the printer!!!!’

  • ‘Ooh I need to quickly reply to mum about that recipe.’

  • ‘Maybe I could just turn my camera off and have a sit down.’

  • ‘Literally no idea what’s going on.’

  • ‘Our internet is SO SLOW!’

  • ‘I wonder what we should have for tea?’

  • ‘Oh look, it’s snowing.’

  • ‘This is not working for me, maybe I should just leave & blame my connection.’

We’ve all been there. Online classes are GREAT and it’s so awesome that we can connect with our favourite instructors during all this madness but, like anything, they obviously have their downsides too.

How to make the most out of the “Online Fitness” experience


During a real-life class or event you have accountability meaning you will push yourself further because you’ve got other people cheering you on, panting away with you orrrr you just don’t want to be the one in the class that gives up. You also get direct & immediate feedback, you can ask questions easily and you’ll be spotted nice and quickly if your technique is off. You’re waaaaay more focused because you’re not in your house full of screaming children, farting dogs or that heap of washing you promised yourself you would sort out this morning. And let’s not forget you’d be surrounded by other sweaty bodies, moving in sync.


I can’t promise you that we can replicate the studio environment at home, technology hasn’t advanced THAT much. But here are our top tips to get you in the zone for an online class or event…

Commute to class

This may sound stupid but this is the first thing you should try to implement if you’re struggling to feel fully present in your class. Give yourself enough time (5 or 10 mins) to set the area up; clear the floor, open a window, hide away any clutter that may distract you, light a candle or incense if that’s your jam and then set your TV/phone/laptop up ready to go (also make sure at this point you’ve got the necessary links or codes to log on). Then leave the room & get changed - just as you would for an actual class, have a final wee & then make the journey to your home studio. Lay your mat out, launch your class & throw yourself into it whole heartedly. I promise you this will feel totally different to the regular ‘walk out of one room & into the other with 30 seconds to prep’ method.

Gotta, gotta hit them angles 🎶

On the subject of feedback - your instructor will be more than willing to tell you if you’re not dropping low enough in your squat, your weight’s too far forward or your hips aren’t aligned for that stretch… But they can’t always get a full view of your form when you set the camera up to film your left shoulder only. If you want direct feedback, make sure you place your camera so that most of your body is on screen (you may need to move it up or down during class depending on floor work). If you don’t want feedback, I’m sure your dog/cat would be happy to step in and be the star of the show so feel free to place the camera anywhere.

Ask questions

At the end of a session (and during) your instructor will check in to see if anyone has any questions or if you’ve understood the routine etc. Don’t be shy about asking questions or giving feedback, they are there to help you. And chance are there are other people on the call that needed the exact same answer but didn’t want to speak up. It is your class and you’ve paid to learn, so make sure you get the most out of the service. Alternatively, if you don’t fancy everyone knowing your business, you can ask to speak with your teacher after the session, use the chatbox (make sure you select the instructor and not send to ‘everyone’) and of course you can email after the class too!

Accept that there are other people in your house

This one is key to minimise frustration at someone wandering in while you’re fully committed to a downward dog. People may walk in, there might be noises coming through the wall as you meditate, dogs are likely to want to play when you jump around like that, toddlers might get naked and stand proudly in front of your screen. LIFE HAPPENS. I can guarantee you that not only does your instructor not mind about these additions, they actually love getting a glimpse into your hectic world. So all you need to do is focus on how you cope with it. My advice is… Embrace or Eliminate. If you’re not in a position to have someone else take control of all those factors for an hour while you get your fix, then get them involved instead. Use your baby as an additional weight, cuddle your pets during crunches, ask your partner if your back is straight… Make the most of these extra resources!

Give yourself time

There’s nothing worse than clock watching during a class, with an impending sense of urgency that you’ve got somewhere else to be very soon. So either book sessions that give you enough time to shower/eat/walk the dog afterwards before your next engagement OR get yourself prepped before class so that you can switch right into whatever role you need to play next… See point one.

Be patient

Guess what? Everyone is struggling with this online malarkey. You are not alone. So stop giving yourself a hard time about it. It may take you a while to get used to it… You may never fully accept it. But either way you’re not going to ace it in one session. And not only that but you might have 4 weeks of solid love for online classes and then you get a dodgy week where you’re feeling off, or your internet is on the blink. Take a deep breath, accept that life is not perfect and appreciate yourself for putting the effort in and getting on that mat anyway. Take your time, you’ve got this.

Try a different format/class/time of day

Many factors can contribute to you not enjoying a session, like whether it’s a live interactive class or a pre-recorded session or maybe that it’s first thing in the morning and you’re not quite fully awake yet. I would strongly suggest trying out a few sessions before throwing the towel in completely. If Zoom wasn’t you’re thing, find an on-demand service (or YouTube video perhaps… without ads!). If you didn’t get on with yoga in your kitchen, maybe give a barre class a whirl instead. And if you did not get on with that early morning session then book onto a lunchtime or evening one next time around. There are so many variables to play with, you’re bound to find a timetable that works for you.

Bring your mates with you

Just like in real life, things are always better if you’re with people you know and love. So, get them involved & drag them along to a class you’re doing. Most studios have referral schemes or bring-friend-for-free passes and it’s so nice to know they’re on the session with you. You can wave to them when you first get in, send them secret messages about how sweaty you are and maybe even have a FaceTime coffee catch up afterwards to debrief from the class & talk about life. It’s so close to the real thing you might even be fooled, right?

We hope you’ve found this helpful, as always give us a shout or leave a comment below & let us know of any tips you can add! We love hearing from you!

Sara & Alice xx


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