Gym vs Studio | Which One Is Right For Me?

So, you’ve decided to really take charge of your health. Maybe you’ve done some research on food and started planning ahead with your meals, perhaps you’re taking vitamin supplements and even restricting screen time - opting for books over Twitter at bed time. Strong move!

Next up… Exercise. These days there are so many options for starting up your fitness journey and as we’ve mentioned before it is absolutely KEY for you to find something you actually enjoy, otherwise you just won’t keep it up in the long term.

I’m going to make the assumption that after going through your options (running, youtube videos, bootcamp, swimming etc.) you’ve landed on either joining a gym or a local studio… Hence why you’ve ended up here.

So allow us to give you an honest review of the pros (and cons) of both options…


The Gym
It’s the one people mention all the time - in movies, at the pub, on Instagram. You’ve seen the selfies, you’ve heard the bench press records, you get the gist. But have you tried walking into a gym when you don’t know what on earth you’re supposed to be doing? It’s pretty terrifying with all the machines, gadgets and gizmos.

If you’ve picked a decent one, then someone will be on hand at your first visit to give you a full induction - you might get weighed, measured, interviewed about your lifestyle and then together you’ll set some realistic goals surrounding weight-loss or muscle building. Then they’ll give you a tour of the gym, show you how everything works and perhaps run some more tests on your cardiovascular system or how much you can lift at this point. After that they’ll draw you up a plan for your next visit and you’re free to workout at your own pace whenever you like.

So if you’re a bit of a solo rider, this is perfect for you! Particularly if you find it easy to motivate yourself, no one is checking if you made that gym appointment so it’s all on you. It also means you can switch things up as and when you want - if you’re keen to put some time in researching different training methods, or ideally hiring a personal trainer, then you can add new stuff into your programme as you get stronger and fitter.

Gym vs Studio | Which One Is Right For Me?

The Studio
I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz phrase ‘group-training’ thrown around, it’s been everywhere for the last few years coined by PT’s and bootcamp owners as the new kid on the block. In reality, group training is what studios around the world have been doing since the dawn of time. It’s a group of people training together. And it’s great!

Whether it’s an all-round studio or one that focuses on something specific like Barre, Yoga, Pilates… There will be a range of classes every day that give you a variety to choose from. You’re able to pick your favourite sessions and try new things as you go until you find the right fit for you. Not only that but every single class gives you access to a professional, fully qualified instructor or PT who will coach you through the entire session offering feedback and advice throughout. If you are a regular of a specific class the instructor will also get to know you and your ability well - therefore they can hold you accountable to keep you pushing ahead. Not to mention the bonds you will form with your fellow class attendees as you all sweat & struggle together.

These days most studios have a pretty diverse offering so it also allows you to mix up your training program with is key for overall health and wellness. We need to stretch, strengthen, improve posture, work on our coordination, breathe and get our heart rate up. A studio can be your one stop shop for this.

If you’re not really a people person or you prefer to get in the zone, pop the headphones on and work by yourself then this may not be the spot for you, but may still be something to consider to add variety into your existing training.

gym vs studio

PROS: The Studio

  • Professional instruction, feedback and advice at every single session

  • Social atmosphere & great place to meet new people

  • Accountability

  • Variety of classes & type of exercise methods

  • Holistic approach to health

  • Community feel

PROS: The Gym

  • Induction on arrival with measurements, tests and clear goal setting

  • Workout independently

  • The option of 1-2-1 training

  • Switch up your own programme as you please

  • No cancellation fees if you decide to miss a workout

is a gym or a studio better?

CONS: The Gym

  • Little to no exterior motivation or accountability

  • Manage your workout around other people using equipment

  • No direction or correction if you’re off form - possibly resulting in injury

  • Lack of balance, we tend to only work on what we know and therefore neglect stretching/cardio

  • Can easily lose focus and become complacent

CONS: The Studio

  • Your workout is set by the instructor (possibly also a pro!)

  • Cancellation fees if you miss a session

  • Opening hours set around a timetable rather than your own schedule

All in all, fitness is not a one-size-fits all affair and what works for may not work for someone else. Hence why even the tiniest cities are filled with different options of gyms and studios! So see what is right for you and your journey, make a commitment to yourself and your future health.

Then do the work. Future-you will thank you for it!

Sending you healthy vibes & (soon) air high fives!
Alice & Sara xx

To learn more about what classes you can find at a studio, check out this post to see what’s what!


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