stretch & TONE

We often forget the importance in staying supple. In fact, stretching is a great way to relax, stay fit and just taking that 45 minutes to realign and slow things down is just as important as strengthening your body!

What should I expect?

The class will focus on stretching the whole body, taking you through a series of stretch and mobility work to help support the body and mind. 

Who is it for?

This is a low impact class, helping you to stretch out your body, easing tension and tightness. It is suitable for all levels as modifications can be given where needed.

What’s on the playlist?

Every week is different, meaning you will never get bored of the same old songs. We treat you to some cheesy pop, indie rock and of course, 80’s classics! Plus much more - tune in & turn it up!

Come along and join us every Tuesday. This is a FREE class!

Pilates management software

“FRESH. is a friendly, accessible company with plenty of classes to choose from for all abilities. Excellent!”

- Jane, Google, 2021

Any questions?

If you want to know more about a specific class or perhaps you’re not sure which session is right for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Additionally if you have any injuries that you are worried may prevent you from participating then give us a shout & we can advise you on the best timetable for you.

We’re here for you.