KETTLEBELLS will improve your posture and balance by using your core and shoulders to balance the kettlebell, improving overall strength and stability. A firm favorite in the fitness industry, the weight is designed differently to a dumbbell, meaning you move in a more dynamic way when using it.


kettlebells class ely fresh

What should I expect?

Each class will include various different moves, lifts & swings, taught to ensure correct technique and maximum safety. As you progress in the class you will build strength, adding additional weight over time. Improving posture and keeping joints strong and healthy.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to learn how to use this fantastic piece of equipment safely, Nicole will guide you through making this a class to be enjoyed by anyone. Particularly great to add into your workout routine if you’re a cardio bunny or yogi lover.

What’s on the playlist?

Nicole will treat you to some upbeat, old-school classics! Plus the whole session is sound-tracked by laughter from clients & teachers alike!

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“Thanks FRESH. for helping me to fall in love with exercising again! 100% recommended!”

- Trish, Google, 2020

Any questions?

If you want to know more about a specific class or perhaps you’re not sure which session is right for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Additionally if you have any injuries that you are worried may prevent you from participating then give us a shout & we can advise you on the best timetable for you.

We’re here for you.