Flexitone® uses minimal cardio, focusing on body conditioning exercises combined with deep stretches and an awareness of breathing. The aim is to get you moving more freely and feeling great!

This is a TOTAL BODY workout. And you’re going to love it.

What should I expect?

Each class begins with an extended warm up including lots of body weight exercises alongside developmental stretches. Then we move into specific muscle groups - targeting areas like arms, abs, legs & bums. You will work muscles you didn’t even know existed! We always finish with a deep stretch so you leave feeling lovely & relaxed.

Who is it for?

Flexitone is suitable for any level of fitness, modifications are given for every exercise & stretch. We do go in hard at points so you’ll definitely be challenged but you can take it at your own pace & build up the intensity over time. Each class is 60 mins long.

What’s on the playlist?

We mix it up to keep you interested! Our morning classes are usually a combination of current chart tunes for a blast during the warm up and then we throw in some of your face Motown tracks later on.
Alternatively our FlexiBEATS session is ALL about the old skool R’nB & Hip Hop tunes. It’s basically a party.

Flexitone class ely fitness

“It’s like Pilates on crack…”

- Fee Kirk, 2016

Any questions?

If you want to know more about a specific class or perhaps you’re not sure which session is right for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Additionally if you have any injuries that you are worried may prevent you from participating then give us a shout & we can advise you on the best timetable for you.

We’re here for you.