Allow us to reintroduce ourselves…


[if you didn’t rap that in the voice of Jay-Z then I suggest you pause, go and listen to ‘PSA’, then come back and laugh at the genius]

Whether you’ve known us for years or you’ve only just taken your first FRESH. class, you may not know the backstory behind our collaboration and why these two gal pals ended up prancing around together. Well let me take a minute, just sit right there… Okay, we’ll stop with the song references now.

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So, fun fact… FRESH. has actually been in the making for a little while now, lockdown life just catapulted it into the present. We’ve been talking for the last year or so about our shared desires for creating something new for the community that was mainly dance led. We’ve had many lavish dreams and pretty Pinterest boards created but the idea behind FRESH. delves much deeper than a pretty aesthetic (that bit’s just a bonus).

Sadly we are living in a world where people are regularly suffering with physical and mental ailments that are affected by a lack of exercise or sense of belonging. It is shocking to know that:

  • Over 30% of adults are not getting enough exercise. (

  • 4 in 5 teenagers are not as physically active as they should be. (

  • Mental illness is the largest single source of burden of disease in the UK. (MHFA)

  • Someone is diagnosed with diabetes every 2 minutes. (

  • 2.4 million adult in the UK suffer from chronic loneliness. (

Nationwide, there is currently a lack of resources that offer wellness support to all ages. And as the population is growing so rapidly this will further lessen. We all know there are many things such as fitness, group sport, performance, art, meditation & counselling that can go a long way in aiding some of the mentioned issues. But rarely do you find an organisation that brings all of these elements together with a holistic approach to our everyday health.

Having been involved with the local community for many years on both a professional and personal level we have spoken openly with people of all ages to find out what they not only want but need to improve their own well-being. The answers tend to vary but all of them are elements that FRESH. would offer; a platform for health and well-being, more mental health support and resources outside of the National Health Service, a welcoming and friendly fitness environment, more community interest & inclusion.

In addition to our standard timetable we are working hard behind the scenes to fulfil our initial goals of reaching multiple underrepresented groups & charity organisations. Our aim is to provide five free classes to the people that need it the most. Our initial reach is to amazing and brave young carers, hardworking charity staff, inactive adults and refugee families. We’ll be sure to keep you updated on our progress so that you can welcome these deserving communities to the FRESH. family yourselves!

Above all (and I know you’ve already read this on the homepage BUT), our mission is to create a welcoming and open space for all people regardless of age, gender or background. We want to offer a wealth of activities which enhance physical and mental well-being whilst building a community and support network for our clients; such as Pilates, Barre, Yoga, Meditation, Dance and Mentoring. If you love this idea and you’re feeling ULTRA inspired… Why not give us a shout? The more incredible people we have involved with this project, the more we can reach out and benefit our online community.

We firmly believe that we can, and WILL, change the way physical and mental health is viewed, in such a way that fitness and self-care will no longer be a luxury but a way of life for all. You can count on us to highlight the importance of looking after your body and mind with all clients, creating a society of people who put their own wellness at the forefront of their life choices.

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We are passionate about people, health & well-being, and this will always be at the forefront of any decisions we make at FRESH.

As we say inappropriately at the end of most classes… WE LOVE YOU GUYS!
Alice & Sara xx


Let's talk about stress, baby.


6 Habits And Behaviours Of Fitness Newcomers And How They Could Be Helping Or Hurting You