5 Night Time Routine Tricks To Ensure Your Mornings Go Smoother

Are you tired of always feeling tired? We got you.

Last month Sara chatted with Dr Claire Gillvray as part of our Feel Good Festival and got tonnes of info to help people sleep better. If you missed the chat it's still available on our page but we've covered the main points below for you.

5 Night Time Routine Tricks To Ensure Your Mornings Go Smoother

1. Swap your screen for pen & paper
If you're a phone addict like most of the UK then you may struggle to step away from it at night. To calm your mind before bed Dr Claire suggests that your phone doesn't even come into the bedroom with you and instead you keep a notebook next to your bed. That way if something urgent springs to mind you can jot it down for tomorrow instead of reaching for your phone. It's also a great help for anyone who has anxious thoughts at bedtime to just get them out of your head and onto the page.

2. Go to bed & wake up at the same time every day
This is one you may groan at but if you're trying to get your body clock in check it's advised you aim for 3 months of a definitive bedtime and getting up time! Each time you allow a nice lazy Sunday it confuses your body and you're back to square one. Dr Claire tells us once the 3 months have passed and you're back in a good pattern you can start to make a few allowances... but not before!

3. Get in some natural light
We LOVE this one. Apparently your bedtime routine starts from the minute you wake up and that's why it's important you're getting the right things into your day. This includes a healthy dose of natural light. This can be as simple as enjoying your morning cuppa 'al fresco' and spending 10 minutes enjoying the world outside before the day begins. Bliss!

4. Move your body
Similar to the last point, it's important you expel some energy - get that body moving and heart rate lifted at some point in the day so that you're ready to naturally rest and relax in the evening. This could be washing the car, dancing around the living room, a nice dog walk or... Maybe a FRESH. class?! #justsayin'

5. Begin winding down at least an hour before you want to sleep
Was that another groan I hear? Let's face it we're all guilty of squeezing in one last episode before bed. But Dr Claire tells us that you need to set the wheels in motion a while before you actually want to sleep. The aim is to train your mind and body that a certain regular routine means it's bed time. Reduce stimulating shows/games/books, drink some water, turn the lights down... all the good relaxing loveliness that makes you feel great!

You got all that? Let's do this! 😴

5 Night Time Routine Tricks To Ensure Your Mornings Go Smoother

Well, I guess you're ready for a good night's sleep now, same here!

Give us a shout if you have any questions or suggestions of your own that have helped you in the past! Watch the full discussion here.

Sending you healthy vibes & virtual high fives!
Alice & Sara xx


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